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		<title>School, Work, and Covid-19</title>
		<pubDate>Sat, 21 Nov 2020 22:06:32 +0000</pubDate>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">https://brittanywillard.com/?p=777</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[To say that 2020 has been a wild year almost seems to be an understatement at this point. This year feels almost like a wild dream that nobody can wake up from. When Covid-19 ravaged the states, It was during the tail end of my junior year in college. We found ourselves kicked off campus&#8230;]]></description>
										<content:encoded><![CDATA[<p>To say that 2020 has been a wild year almost seems to be an understatement at this point. This year feels almost like a wild dream that nobody can wake up from. When Covid-19 ravaged the states, It was during the tail end of my junior year in college. We found ourselves kicked off campus and having to adjust to a world of online learning. And for an art major, this is a jarring transition since we&#8217;re so hands-on with crafting projects by hand and such. With the uncertainty of how exactly the virus spread, I also opted to not work that summer like I normally would have. I work at a Chick-fil-a when I&#8217;m home as a team leader so it pays very well and helps me take care of bills. Not working, I hurt me pretty bad financially, considering I&#8217;m a college student with debt and credit cards to my name. However, I couldn&#8217;t help but worry about possibly bringing the virus home to my parents, or catching it myself since everyone was so confused and information was constantly changing about the virus. </p><p>Aside from the personal affects of covid on my personal life, Covid has had some positive and negative effects on my learning. Being home, makes it much harder to focus, let alone have the motivation to get work done. So during the spring semester of 2020, I still passed with pretty good grades, but I do not feel I was able to put my absolute best effort in. Moving on to the fall semester where we were allowed back on campus but with Covid restrictions, I feel I personally have had one of my best semesters in college ever. With shortened class times and most of my classes being online, I found myself having more time to complete my design work and put in 100% effort to all my classes equally. Personally, I enjoy this form a learning better than regular classes.</p><p>Typically, I also work during the semester as a desk assistant in the dormitories to make a little cash while studying for my degree, but once again I opted to take off work after run ins with residents coming to the desk stating they felt they had covid. The anxiety of everything Covid got to me so I spent 2020 mostly not working, However I will admit it was by choice. But I do feel not having to balance a Job also contributed to creating much better design work this semester. </p><p>All in all, I can&#8217;t wait for this covid mess to be over, but strangely I thank covid for allowing me a break from work to a degree so I could focus better on my studies. </p>]]></content:encoded>
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